Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Women-owned firms at the $10 million level outpacing...everyone else

via Meghan Casserly @ Forbes

Womenable President and CEO Julie Weeks asked the U.S. Census for never-before-published data categorizing that 2% of women-owned firms that have passed $1 million in sales and breaks them into three revenue buckets in the American Express OPEN-commissioned report: $1 to $4.9 million, $5 to $9.9 million, and $10 million+. 

What she discovered was that at the highest end of reported earnings—that is to say, more than $10 million in annual revenues—the number of women-owned firms has grown by 56.6% since 2002—fully 47% higher than the 38.4% increase among all $10M+ firms regardless of gender.

Not only are women-owned firms at the $10 million level outpacing all $10 million firms in growth, but they are accelerating an astounding 98% faster than all women-led firms (the 2% over a million and the 98% below).  

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